Closer and Closer
Today, I am sitting around waiting for my popsicles to freeze, so that I can capture it's imagine and continue on putting together my two page spread. As I was making my popsicles and looking at the other elements of not only my magazine, but my partners as well, I noticed the target audience is younger adults (female of the middle or upper class). This is because my other pages and storylines have to do with ideas for children or women's families. Because of this, I decided to not use vodka as my twist in my popsicles. The extreme airheads will be a twist, and I will also offer the side note directions, if someone is of age. This provides me with a wider range for my target audience and a more persistent target audience throughout the entire magazine. Below I posted a screenshot of how my partner and I plan to create the title section for our two page spread. The information written on it has to do with her idea not mine, this is simply just the layout, which we have to correlate because it's an always induced section. Also, my partner and I decided that we are creating a baking magazine rather than a food magazine. At first we didn't know the difference but now we can clearly state that ours is baking.

We will have a different color text and a different color box on the title, relating to the theme of whatever D.I.Y you have for that months issue. For example, Alysha has spring colors and i'll use summer, upbeat colors. At first I was hesitant to use the layout which we decided on. It will have the instructions, step by step, on one page and a full imagine of the outcome on the second. I didn't know if this would break up the flow of my two page spread, but after researching different designs, I noticed that it will help to make the pages seem more appealing. Because, there will be a small imagine attached to each step, if my second page was a continued version of the steps, it would become to overwhelming. Here is an example of a magazine that has a two page spread, where the story is on one page, and a full imagine relating to the story is on another.