Hold up... Are You Ready For The Big Reveal?
Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real? The images were so clear and seemed as if it could truly be possible. Last night, I went to bed with practically a million different magazines genres laying around me. The second I woke up for another beautiful, early day of school, an idea popped into mind. Seeing a clear image of what I wanted on my magazine cover, how I wanted to layout my two page spread, and knowing exactly what my content would say, I thought I was still dreaming. It just all seemed to come so easily.
FOOD! Some may say it's the hardest to capture images of, because there are many different shots and angles that come into play. I decided, that sometimes it's okay to take on a challenge. Lighting might effect my magazine, picking a specific genre of food can effect my magazine, and generally anything can consequence the outcome of my magazine. I tend to live by my go-to saying "everything works out", so hopefully this is the case.
The battle isn't over yet. My thought process is in the air, soaring around, trying to land back on the perfect plate. There are so many options and components that come into action after, having picking my overall topic. Do I want to stick with a single image and plain background, or do I want it to be wild and eye popping? After minor research, I have come to the conclusion that, adult women are the prime consumers of this genre. Leading me to feel like a simple image is my way to go.

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